Congrats to the golf team on the wins against Mills yesterday! Devan Mishra & Isabelle Pearson both finished in 1st. Daniel Burnett & Jasmine Merrida both finished in 2nd. Way to go Mets!!!

Mrs. Wenblad's Advanced English 11 class at @estemhighpcs shows off their knowledge by deconstructing political cartoons.

We apologize for the short notice, but we were informed that the city is putting on a car show this afternoon which may affect the amount of spaces in the Clinton Library parking lot for our walkers. If you would like your child to be a car rider today, please email Mrs. Wirges and we will make sure your child is aware.

eHS staff comparing formative assessment and summative assessment at today’s staff meeting. #WeAreEducators

2nd grade is previewing the book fair @eastvillagek6! Are you excited to shop? Don’t forget about tax. For every dollar, bring a dime! #mybookfair #read

Our Downtown K6 Book Fair is off to a great start! Thanks to all the parents who have been here to help! ATTN: We are in need of extra plastic bags! Please send any grocery bags you're willing to donate to school this week with your student.

@eStemHighPCS eStem’s amazing AP Physics students confirm that Galileo was right – earth’s gravity acceleration does equal 9.8 m/s2. What a relief!

@eStemHighPCS eStem’s brilliant AP Chem students perform gravimetric analysis to determine concentration of calcium carbonate in water samples. The winning team achieved 92% yield. Not too shabby!

We are one week away from picture day here at @eStemDTJHS! Order online now using our Picture Day ID: RP018233Q0 at mylifetouch.com Don't forget students must be in dress code!

It's a great Monday when students show hallway heart! #eastvillagek6 #bekind

Good luck to the high school golf team today as they have a head to head match against Mills

Today is National Literacy Day! Celebrate by reading with your child and volunteer at their book fair. Contact your school for more info.

This week's DTJHS weekly newsletter is now available online (Link: https://bit.ly/2wPJvOs ). Have a great weekend!

This week was our halfway mark for the first quarter, so parents should have received copies of their student’s interim feedback forms via email. Please check out today’s newsletter for information about our Attendance Awareness Month Competition & many more updates. http://5il.co/4rkt

Just a reminder that the Book Fair will be open at @eStemDTJHS staring Monday!

Downtown Elementary 5th graders are having a great time learning about density, matter, and chemical changes. #aboveandbeyond

Congrats to the 2018-19 East Village Lady Mets Basketball Team http://5il.co/4r7j

Today is the last day for our @eastvillagek6 eTeam membership drive! Sign up now at www.myschoolbucks.com to help your child's class win a prize!

Mrs. Williams is modeling how to create a storyboard for our Reading Fair. We hope you will join us on Tuesday, September 11 from 5:00-6:30 pm for our first Downtown Elementary Reading Fair! #downtownk6 #literacynight #readingfair

Mrs. Braddix and Mrs. Wirges are so excited for the enchanted forest book fair @eastvillagek6 next week! Start shopping online right now! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/homepage.do?method=homepage&url=estemeastvillageelemschool #mybookfair