eStem Public Charter School is proud to offer our employees:
Excellent benefits... Benefits are an important part of our commitment to our employees. See below for a detailed explanation of our benefits package for full-time employees.
Opportunities for Merit Pay... We believe in rewarding excellent work. Teachers & staff may be eligible for merit pay based on student growth & performance each year.
Innovative Grant Awards... Teachers are encouraged and recognized for seeking out and implementing innovative teaching strategies & ideas. This through this application program, teachers can be awarded money for materials and supplies along with a reward for trying something new!
Collaborative Colleagues... Teachers work in teams and learning communities to grow and excel together.
Supportive Community... Teachers & School Leaders work together to solve problems and support one another.
Professional Development Opportunities... eStem provides professional development opportunities not only in-house but also through nationally recognized conferences, workshops, and trainings. Our employees usually far exceed the state-mandated required professional development hours each year.
Daily Planning Time & Duty-Free Lunch & Recess... Teachers have daily planning time and a duty-free lunch/recess to ensure they have the time needed to plan, prepare, and collaborate with colleagues.
Our Comprehensive Benefits Package includes:
Health insurance through AR Benefits, the state’s health plan. The school pays $259.50/month toward premium cost.
School pays employee basic dental insurance coverage through Delta Dental.
School pays long-term disability insurance through Lincoln Financial.
Short-term disability insurance through Lincoln Financial. The school pays 25% of coverage if employee elects and pays remaining 75%.
A $50,000 basic life insurance policy through Lincoln Financial Group is provided by the school.
Fantastic retirement plan…as required by law, the school contributes a 15% match to Arkansas teacher retirement (ATR). Employees qualified by ATR contribute 7%.
Employee assistance programs through New Directions Behavioral Health.
Additionally, school employees can elect to participate with these vendors through payroll deductions.
EyeMed Vision Care – vision insurance
Lincoln Financial Group – employee, spouse and dependent supplemental life insurance
Consolidated Admin Services – tax advantaged reimbursement accounts (medical and child care) as well as health savings accounts
An additional retirement savings option-Voya Financial