
We can’t wait to see you at Fall Fest tonight! It’s going to be a great time! Remember, tickets will be $7 at the door and everyone will enter through the tall gate on World Avenue, starting at 5:00.

Lost and Found

Please check the lost and found at Fall Fest tonight. Each class went through this week, and we will be donating any remaining items on November 2nd. Please make sure to write your child’s name on everything they bring to school.

Cash for Casual

Students can pay $1 and dress out of uniform every Friday or on Thursday, if we are out of school on Friday. Please remember that students can only dress out of uniform, if they pay $1. This can be sent to school with your child or paid for online.

Lunch/Breakfast Balances Must Be Paid

Please pay any remaining breakfast or lunch balances immediately. This can be done by visiting, in the main office, or by sending money with your child. Students should not charge breakfast or lunch unless they have money loaded to their account. If you would like to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch form to find out if you qualify, please visit

Purchase East Village Cool Weather Gear!

Visit or the main office to purchase cool weather gear! We love the new designs!

 Notes from the Office

·         Treats for Birthdays: We love to celebrate our students, but unfortunately we can’t have treats for student birthdays. Please do not bring treats to share with your child’s class. We would love your help with one of our scheduled celebrations, which are on Valentine’s Day and before the Winter Holiday.

  • Attendance: We want to stress how important it is that your child be at school every day and for the entire day. We have noticed that some of our students are frequently coming in after 8:00 and that has a negative impact on the rest of their day. Students need to arrive before 8:00, so that they start they day off on the right track. When students are late, they miss the chance to eat breakfast, focus their minds on a great day, listen to the morning announcements, build rapport with their classmates during class meeting, and miss out on valuable instruction. We start our day at 8:00 and it is important that every child be at school before that time. Thank you for your attention to this important issue!
  • Check-outs: Check-out ends at 3:15 each day. Check-outs should be reserved for appointments or emergencies only. When students are checked-out, they are missing out on instruction. If you are checking your child out every day, you may want to complete a walker’s application.

·         Did your child miss the flu clinic? Would you like to make sure you get a flu shot?  The Arkansas Department of Health will be holding a mass flu clinic on October 30 from 11am-5pm in the Hall of Industry on the State Fairgrounds.  Also, many pharmacies will give flu shots, and of course, your primary physician’s office will be happy to give you a flu shot.

·         Help Keep Our Arrival/Dismissal Safe: Please help keep our students safe by staying off your cell phones in the arrival and dismissal zones.

 Important Dates:

·         October 31: Halloween-Students should not wear costumes to school on this day.

·         November 8: Interim reports sent home.

·         November 19-23: Thanksgiving Break-No School

 Helpful Contacts email, address, and phone number changes; notify us about student absence; Dismissal changes; My School Bucks Help

Have a great weekend!

Alyson Harris

East Village Elementary Director