Dear Parents,

Happy Friday! Thank you for everyone who was able to come to parent conferences this week! If you couldn’t make it, please remember we are always here if you have questions about your child's success at school. I would also like to reiterate that if you ever have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to me, the teachers, the deans - any eStem staff member - for an answer. Social media is a great tool for many things, but the best format for getting accurate information is to contact us directly. We are always available for our families!

In light of recent national events, I also want to communicate to parents that your child's safety is our top priority. Each school has several precautions in place to keep our students and staff  members safe. We work closely with our police officers downtown to ensure that we are doing as much as possible if any of these events would occur. We have preemptive measures in place to keep our building secure, and should anything ever happen, we have a crisis management plan for our teachers and staff members to follow, along with a close relationship with the LRPD. Every child and adult has the right to a safe and secure place to come each day and that's what we want for our students and staff.

We currently have several students with negative lunch balances. If you are unsure if you're child owes money, you can log into to check or email Mrs. Walters. All negative balances need to be paid as soon as possible. You can add money online through MySchoolBucks, pay in the 1st floor office, or send money with your child.

Notes from the Office

·         Yearbooks: If you would like to preorder a yearbook, click here. You'll need to enter yearbook id #12963718. Yearbooks are now $45.

·         Online eStore: Click here to visit the store and see what we have!

·         Email, Address, Phone Number Changes: If you have an address, email, or phone number change, please email those changes to Mrs. Owens. This helps us keep our records as up-to-date as possible. 

·         Attendance: If your child will be absent, please make sure to email to let us know.

·         Arriving After 8:00?: Please walk your child into the building, if he or she arrives after 8:00 a.m. We ask that you check-in with Mrs. Scott at the front desk.

Save the Date

Every Friday: Cash for Casual for $1.00 *When we are out on Friday, we will have Cash for Casual on Thursday.

March 16: End of 3rd Quarter

March 19-23: Spring Break

March 26: 4th Quarter Begins

March 29 & 30: Jog-a-thon