Elementary Newsletter (2/2)

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday! It looks like we may have more winter coming according to Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day. I've got my fingers crossed for warmer weather though! Thank you to everyone who attended Math & Literacy Night on Tuesday!

Open Enrollment for the 2018-19 Kindergarten class has begun! The open enrollment period will run until February 17th. If you have a child who will be starting kindergarten in the fall, please complete the application on our website under the Admissions tab. Students seeking admission to grades 1st-12th may submit an application any time during the school year as long as it's before February 17th. We also have a school tour for prospective parents on Thursday, February 8th at 8:30; please pass along the word to anyone who might be interested!

The next couple of weeks are busy ones at eStem! Interim week for the 3rd quarter is next week, and interim reports will be sent home on Thursday, Feb. 8th. Please sign and return those by Monday, February 12th. We also have Valentine parties on February 14th; your child's homeroom teacher will be sending home more information and details soon. Parent Teacher Conferences are Thursday, February 15th from 4:00-6:30 and Friday, February 16th from 7:30-noon. Signups for dates and times should be coming home as well.

We have had a few cases of the flu here at school and want to make sure everyone is staying as healthy as possible. Please read some of the tips below to help protect against the flu. Please remember to keep your child home from school for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone (without the use of a fever-reducing medicine). If your child is sick, please remember that they could be contagious from 1 day before getting diagnosed to up to 5-7 days after.

Tips for staying healthy:

·         Stay away from those who are sick as much as possible

·         Cover your coughs and sneezes

·         Wash your hands often

·         Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth

·         Clean surfaces that may be contaminated with flu viruses

·         Get a flu vaccination

Notes from the Office

·         Yearbooks: If you would like to preorder a yearbook, click here. You'll need to enter yearbook id #12963718. Yearbooks are now $45.

·         Yearbook Ads: Ads for the yearbook are available for purchase. Ads will be $10 for 80 spaces and forms will be coming home with students soon. Space is limited, so make sure to sign up quickly, if you are interested!

·         Lunch Balances: All meal account balances must be pre-paid or paid daily. Students cannot carry balances, and Mrs. Walters will send a notice home if a student's account becomes negative. To pay for meals, you may send cash/checks to the school office or pay online at www.myschoolbucks.comIf your child is buying a milk ($.30) or a silverware packet ($.25), please remember to send money for that as well.

·         Online eStoreClick here to visit the store and see what we have!

·         Email, Address, Phone Number ChangesIf you have an address, email, or phone number change, please email those changes to Mrs. Owens. This helps us keep our records as up-to-date as possible. 

·         AttendanceIf your child will be absent, please make sure to email k6attendance@estemschools.org to let us know.

·         Arriving After 8:00?Please walk your child into the building, if he or she arrives after 8:00 a.m. We ask that you check-in with Mrs. Scott at the front desk.

Save the Date

Every Friday: Cash for Casual for $1.00

February 8: Interim Reports sent home

February 12: Interim Reports due

February 14: Valentine Parties

February 15: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-6:30 p.m.

February 16: Parent Teacher Conferences 7:30 a.m.- Noon

February 19: No School


Have a great weekend! See you Monday