Blended or Virtual Learners

Blended or Virtual - whatever you do...eStem will take care of YOU!

We are committed to doing our best to keep the eStem community safe, healthy, and learning during this pandemic. Each week in August, we will share one way we are doing this.

This week, we are reminding our families that masks/face coverings will be required for all students, employees, and visitors on each of our campuses. According to the ADH and the CDC, face coverings are an effective way to minimize exposure to COVID-19. Masks do not have to follow the dress code colors; however, they cannot have any text on them, other than the eStem logo.

Parents, help your child get used to wearing a mask by practicing at home. Explain why it's important to keep a mask on at school, and even let them help pick out a new mask for school!