Dear Parents,
Happy Friday! It has been such a busy, FUN week at the K6! The Book Fair was a huge success; thank you to all the parents that volunteered to work throughout the week! We could not have done it without you! We had such a great turn-out for eFamily Night! I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Grandparents' & Family Friend Day was so much fun today! We love having opportunities for our extended eStem families to come be a part of our school day! Check out my newsletter for important information about the week ahead:
Link to Newsletter:
Save the Date
Every Friday: Cash for Casual for $1.00
September 18: Student Portraits
September 18-27: NWEA Testing (K-2 students only)
September 28 @ 4:00-6:30: Parent Teacher Conferences
September 29 @ 7:30-noon: Parent Teacher Conferences
October 2-6: Fall Break
Have a great weekend! See you Monday!
Jessi Forster